
Houseplant Oracle Deck

Created by AG Oracle

The houseplants you care for hold so much wisdom! Meet the Houseplant Oracle Deck. This 42 card deck and her in-depth companion guidebook have been a labor of love.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

We beat the $15K stretch goal! Plus, 300+ backers, and 32 hours Left!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Jun 03, 2022 at 03:25:55 PM

What a wonderful way to start off PRIDE month! I woke up this morning, my queer heart all a'flutter, seeing that you all have unlocked the $15,000 stretch goal. Wowza. 

I can't wait to record a guided meditation and send it to each and every backer! 

It was also my birthday about a week ago, and I couldn't think of a better present than ending this campaign on such a high note. It's not over yet — 32ish hours to go! 

To recap, here are all the stretch goals you've unlocked so far:

So wonderful! I'm excited to review all of your votes on which additional cards we're making (see previous updates for links to those polls) when the campaign ends. :D 

^ Also, Thelma says hello! She's celebrating pride and Gemini season and she's reaffirming how fortunate I feel to be on this journey with all y'all. You, the backers, have made so many amazing suggestions and have really helped shape the project. <3 Cheers to the home stretch! 

2 WEEKS TO GO + A playlist just for y'all <3
over 2 years ago – Thu, May 19, 2022 at 10:38:22 PM

 14 days remain on the campaign ...

and I'm thrilled that so many of you have participated in these polls! 

Looks like I'll be adding the plants' meanings to the cards themselves, unless something truly wild happens with the voting. This is really exciting to me! Your ideas are shaping what will become of this deck, and it's so lovely to hear all of your opinions. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! 

Votes So Far:

votes for adding meanings to the cards

The 41st and 42nd card subjects are a bit of a closer race, as you can see below. The Red Butterfly Wing Plant is in the lead for the 41st card, but not by too much. You have until the end of the campaign to cast your votes!

stretch goal - 41st card votes

Sunlight is in the lead for the 42nd card. And to the person who wrote "watering can" — don't worry! That will already be part of the original 40 card deck. :) 

stretch goal - 42nd card votes

 Also, I just wanted to share a small houseplant tip. I realize houseplants can be really expensive, and not all varieties are accessible. A thrifty way to grow some cute lil' houseplant friends and add some green to your life is to SAVE YOUR AVOCADO PITS.

Here are our baby avocado trees ^^. They like to hangout by the windows and they don't take much to start growing. Homes to Love has a pretty good tutorial. 

I'm really hoping we can hit the $15K stretch goal so that I can do a guided meditation for you, the backers. You can help by sharing the project with your friends or your local metaphysical supply store (we have a retailer level!) <3 

 **I know I mentioned I'd be posting a little gift for you all this week, so here it is: a Houseplant Playlist on Spotify for you to peruse at your leisure.** 

Finally,  I asked my prototype houseplant deck this morning "How do I stay grounded?" and the card I pulled was the fern, which will look like this once I've added the plant meanings to each card. :) 

I can't wait until these cards are in your hands and you can ask your own questions. <3 

That's it for now. Thank you for your continued support!! 

New Stretch Goal Announced & an *IMPORTANT OPINION POLL!*
over 2 years ago – Sat, May 14, 2022 at 10:19:41 PM

Happy Saturday everyone! I hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine, taking a little 'me time,' and keeping both themselves and their plants nice and hydrated.

I'm hopping on to post a quick update, because I thought of a fabulous new stretch goal! At $15K (if we reach it, big fingers crossed!), I'll do something I've always wanted to do, which is to record a guided meditation. I may need to enlist a friend with a soothing voice to get it done, but either way, I'm very excited about it. Each and every one of you who back the project will receive a free audio file at the end of the campaign if we reach $15K. Big if, but a fun if! 

Also, if you want to sneak-peek-a-boo all of the cards from my prototype (art/lineup not 100% final), here they are, relaxin' on my beach blanket:

*art not finalized

Finally, I have a burning question for you all, my wonderful amazing backers. 


Have cards like the ones pictured above (leaves more room for interpretation, you can look each one up in your guidebook etc), or would you like their meanings inscribed on the actual cards, like so:

You can VOTE HERE, or let me know in the comments! 

<3 Anna

P.S. Look out for a special free goofy gift in the updates early next week. <3 

YOU unlocked the $10K Stretch Goal!
over 2 years ago – Fri, May 13, 2022 at 01:06:49 AM

Just as I was going to bed last night, at about 11:30 PM PST, I saw that we'd crossed $10K together. Cannot believe how amazing all of you are!! I'm truly so grateful. My heart SINGS!

That means we've unlocked the 42nd card stretch goal. Huzzah! If you haven't already voted for the 42nd card, you can do so here.

Special shoutout to The Raven's Wing in Oakland for supporting me. Y'all should check them out; they're magical. <3

Technically our next stretch goal unlocks at $30K, but I'm sure I can think of some surprise stretch goals between now and then! STAY TUNED, LOVES. 

P.S. If you pledged into a physical tier as of 9AM PST this morning (likely everyone reading this), then you are getting the "pest expansion deck" for free. Congrats! If you missed the first 48 hours, not to worry! That 3-card pack is now available as a $5 add-on.

P.S. I just realized an old friend and colleague of mine, Sam Sattin, launched a Kickstarter last week. We used to get $5 chicken fingers at happy hour and talk about creative projects. So beyond thrilled to see him succeeding. If you're a manga fan, check out Unico

FINALLY, just wanted to share a cute pic of the deck that you're all helping to make a reality:

All my love and may the plants be with you, 


Day 2! Y'all unlocked the surprise stretch goal over night!
over 2 years ago – Wed, May 11, 2022 at 09:57:47 PM

Hello gorgeous lovely backers!

I woke up this morning and y'all have already unlocked the "Pet Safe" notation in the guidebook. Incredible!!! I'm very excited for to add that element in, and thank you to the backer that suggested it! Next up, is the 42nd card, which will be crowdfunding exclusive. That unlocks at $10K!

Also, in a truly wild twist, LOTS of you have voted on the 41st card, and we're at a deadlock tie: 

If you want to vote, you can do so here.  

If you wanna follow me on instagram so you can share out my Houseplant Oracle Deck posts, you can do so here (absolutely zero pressure)! 

I'm excited for day 2! Last day of the early bird specials and last chance to get a FREE pest expansion deck. Spread the word. :) 

me, intensely concentrating, responding to your comments
my cat, monks, handshaking b/c "pet safe" indicators are unlocked!

Have a great Wednesday everyone!